Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Does KDP Select work?

While I am still in the KDP select program because my initial 90 days are not up until June 2nd I have thus far concluded, no. It's possible my opinion could change and if that's the case I'll be sure to update this posting. I've already ran my 5 free days of promotion and given away over 700 free books as a result. The book managed to get onto several of the lists and even garner attention in the UK and other countries. However, the free books have not seemed to yield results. None of my reviews have come from the free downloads. I also noticed a large amount of people take the book because it is free even though they may not be intending to read it for a very long time, if ever. This is most obvious when I see people on Shelfari that have downloaded 3,000 free books in a single day. This is of course just one experience and anyone looking to join the KDP Select program should try to gather more opinions.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

A book trailer for my debut novel released on Amazon.com entitled Grim Awakening. Grim Awakening is currently available as an ebook or paperback.